Whether the woman was putting up a wonderful act or was naturally as fluent was up for debate. What Aleks did know was that at the moment she linked their arms, his time to back out was no longer existent. He had to go with the flow for the moment. "Don't we all?" he kindly replied to her comment about getting her hair wet. His umbrella offered her protection as she guided him towards an isolated part of the town. That much was obvious the moment she pointed down a street that led away from the resident district. Unless she was homeless, she was lying. And considering her appearance - she wasn't homeless, he was sure. There was the possibility of her hiding from someone, thus indeed resorting to reside in that area - but that possibility was almost as far-fetched as the homeless one. A woman that walked with such elegance and pride wouldn't hide amongst drug-users and homeless people. As they walked in silence, he put his free hand in the side pocket of his coat. He didn't have a weapon of some sort - all he had was a cellphone. Which was more than enough for him. He calmly fumbled around with it, not giving away any unnecessary movements. As she stopped and closed even more on him, he looked straight into her eyes. His foster father once told him never to trust a person with golden eyes. Of course, he continued on to say: "never trust anyone". But those once forgotten words of warning now lingered in his mind. He was prepared for the fired question, but the bullet never reached him. What came next was something he wasn't able to anticipate. Sure, she hit a dog. First he thought she was insane - possibly a schizophrenic and that would've been bad enough. But her appearance. Oh, her appearance. She was different. Still the beautiful woman she was moments ago, only with some added fox-like details. Unfortunately, he didn't have enough time to soak those details in as she pinned him to the wall with a force of a rhino. [i]What are you?[/i] - his mind wanted to blurt out. But then again, what good would that do? She was the one that pulled the first move, so he may as well let her be the first one to talk. [i]Kill me?[/i] he thought as his inner grin fought to emerge on the surface. Yet, his face still had that calm expression. The only difference was his gaze, his eyes were friendly when he offered her his umbrella, but now... they were piercing through the golden shield that were her eyes. She continued to speak and as her sentence was brought to an end - the realization dawned upon him. When he skimmed through the newspapers yesterday, he came across a report - second victim killed, murderer still not found. It was supposed to be a common thing in Russia, but apparently there was a reason this case had much more hype to its name. Both men missed one important organ. Their heart. The rumors quickly spread - some said it was a satanic cult that killed those men. Some said it was a man in his twenties. Little did they know a murderer know stood in front of him and she was far from anything they might've assumed. "If my money is what you were after - we might have worked something out in your favor. But if it's my heart that you want... I guess you should've picked someone who has a heart." He spoke slowly, his words sounding calm and menacing, both at the same time. "You're not from around here, are you?" He continued to talk, offering no physical resistance whatsoever. "If you were, you would have known better than to lay your hands on me." [i]Be smart about this, whatever she's got up her sleeve, you still hold the ace...[/i] "And if you kill me now, rest assured that you won't leave this place in one piece... my lady."