"Small birds flap overhead in the midday sun. Summer has begun, you can almost feel it in your core. The wind caresses your face and the birds chatter carelessly as you make your way to the tavern. You finally reach the place - beautiful in it's own special way. You push open the wooden door and are greeted by the other townsfolk, some of them your close friends, and others kindly neighbors. You momentarily reflect on how lucky you were to have ended up here in Erihurst." ---------------------------------------------- [u]Who Are You?[/u] Character Name: Race: Age: Likes: Dislikes: Role: [are you a farmer? Maybe you're a fisherman, or you own the local cafe] Bio: [can be however long or short you feel it needs to be] Appearance: [written preferred, pictures acceptable. No links please] ---------------------------------- [u]Races:[/u] Elves: beings that are attuned to the natural world. They can speak to/understand plants and animals emotions. They are born healers, calling upon the natural elements to heal others, however it as a very strenuous task. Faeries: slightly smaller than the average human, these beings have translucent wings. They can fly, but only for short distances before getting tired. They have control of the elements. Each faerie is born with power over one of the natural elements: water, wind, seed (any plant grown up from earth), or fire. This gives them the ability to direct currents, calm storms, coax crops into growing sooner, or stop the spread of fire, however these are just examples of the many uses of their abilities. Imps: very small humanoid creatures. They float mysteriously in the air, rarely ever putting their legs to use. They often possess visible traits of animals as well as mental and physical traits. Some of the more common impish types are wolf, lynx, reptile, and dasyurids. Imps are easily spotted by their tails and ears, and sometimes muzzles as well. Long ago, imps were enslaved. Today, they are free and equal to any other race. Imps are instinctively good at perceiving human emotions - even when they are trying to hide them. Imps make good friends, though sometimes they can use their abilities to be mischievous, though this still only usually results in people confessing their love, conflicts being solved between rivals, and general honesty in people. Human: Does this really need an explanation? --------------------------------------------------------- [u]Opening Plot:[/u] The village of Erihurst has sat on the same lands for hundreds of years. For as small as it is, it's a wonder that the place still exists. Recently someone from the city has moved into town, causing unrest among the villagers. Why has this stranger moved here? What do they want? It's up to the people of Erihurst to find out. [whoever wants to play the role of the newcomer may, but it is first come, first serve.]