Last night my husband and I went out to eat at a family-type buffet place because it was freezing outside and we needed a place to hang out for awhile until the rain stopped. We sat in a booth and there was another pair of people two booths away from us. I didn't think much of it until the man, who was at least 40 years old got up to go get some food. He was looked a little dorky with thick glasses and ill fitting clothes but the best (or worst) thing was when he passed by he was wearing a tail. A tail. I've seen teeny girls wear those things but this was a grown ass man. And it wasn't even a cute fluffy fox tail, it was worn and the color of dishwater. It looked old and nasty, like a dog's chew toy. But there it was, hanging down his sagging jeans in all it's glory. I tried not to laugh and the woman sitting with him, who by her age and his appearance I'm going to assume was his mother, gave me a dirty look. So we ate and I tried not to look up and my husband was sneeking peeks over his shoulder and he mentioned maybe he was just a Ted Nugent fan. I mean other than the fact he wore a ratty looking tail, he seemed normal. He didn't look 'special' or anything. So maybe that was the case, a man his age might be a Nuge fan. But alas, no. When they got up to leave, the man put on a fuzzy kitty hat with ears that tied under his chin. It took all my will not to burst out laughing when I saw it. I had to get up and run over to the salad bar and hide my giggles. My first sighting of a furry out in the wild. Entertaining as fuck and I kick myself for not having smart phone to capture the moment.