"Eh? Oh... Enyo A-. . . Enyo," she told him. She almost instinctively gave her last name, but when she realized he hadn't given his, she refrained. Why should she give more than he had? It was kind of rude that he hadn't really, she'd gone out of her way to keep him company. She ignored the fact that a fair number of people had fled the room because of her... except, apparently, the kid she'd actually yelled at. Enyo's head instinctively pulled back when the kid smiled at them. [i]. . . this kid is creepy. . .[/i] Enyo suddenly regretted forcing the issue. She listened as he talked, but decided keeping her mouth shut around him was the better course of action. If there was to be conversing, it would be up to Lance. [i]Yes... yes let's follow the creepy kid through the unknown halls of our new school. What could possibly go wrong?[/i] As it turned out, nothing, as their fairly silent trip resulted in them knowing the school a little better, and they wound up in the ballroom unscathed. [i]Well... maybe he's waiting for us to sleep before he reveals his sociopathic tendencies.[/i] Enyo sighed. Suddenly she was tired. Lugging around her canister all day after a long airship ride, and multiple screaming fits, had really taken it out of her. [i]Screw it, he can slit my throat if he wants, I'm tired...[/i] "Well boys, it's been a blast... bye." With all the grace of ripping off a bandage, she bid them farewell and went to find a place to change into her sleep-ware. - - - Meanwhile Felix had found a nice corner to curl up in, with his weapon not at all conspicuously sticking out from beneath his pillow. OK, the bayonet was a little conspicuous, but it made him feel better if he was to sleep in a room filled with dozens of people. He'd gotten the impression that after tonight they'd have lockers to stick their stuff in, so he figured he should enjoy a night of sleep within reach of his weapon while he still could. [i]I'm never sleeping again after this, am I?[/i] he groaned mentally.