I like the idea of Hassel. He will but a damper on things. He is way to aggressive for my taste, but could be part of his charm? lol If there wasn't enough already against the pair already, what is another hurdle? I would like to know where she got the idea of love? How did she reach that conclusion? She is supposed to have all of her memories wiped. Those include those simple concepts of love, trust and other human labels/emotions. Kenji just said they were close. But that was all. There was no recalling of that concept no mention of it anywhere that I could see. If I am wrong please point it out. I will happily stuff my foot in my mouth. Edit: You also wrote that she was 'willing to try'. She isn't fighting like she did in the first post between her memories and programming. (How she couldn't have those thoughts/feelings because she isn't human.) Now she is suddenly accepting she is human and in a relationship with him and still using phrases like 'what you humans call'. I know I have my characters sort of shifting from one thought/action to another without writing down a motive or cause. But I have plans. It will come out. You can always call me on them too, I don't mind.