Alexander thanked his god for his gifts, and then thanked the priest for the room as he walked out. He began to [url=]ponder his religious teaching to try to figure out if goblins are evil[/url]. The teachings were unclear, however he promised to slay goblins who wished only destruction, but goblins are defensive creatures and could just be overly protective of there lands. It might angry his god if he went on genocidal rage merely on the wives tales of commoners. When Alexander reached his group at the gate, he said, "Friends, I think we should try to speak with the goblins before attacking. While speaking with them, I have the ability to detect evil, If they are close, I would be able to tell if any of them are truly malicious. However, it would be safe to presume if they are evil or not, they are aggressive. And if they are evil, I will hesitant to cut them down like the weeds they are. And before you all comment, my god has granted me the ability to speak with them if they prove to not be evil, and I also have immunity to their fires if they are." he finished.