Her words had such a menacing ring to them, that she almost reminded him of Nikolai. Almost. If it was Nikolai instead of her, with his way of dealing with problems, Aleks figured he'd be already laying on the ground. Now, she had a way with words, but it was far from putting him in an immediate threat. Especially since she clearly had a split resolve. If her sole goal was to kill him, he'd be dead already. And yet, here she is, talking about a contract of some sort. No, that wasn't the main point here. She mentioned something about not working things out with humans. [I]No, worry about later. First take care of things in front of you.[/I] She must feel wonderful about herself right about now. Time to bring her back to earth. He noticed she looked up to the sky. She was so arrogant. Instead of talking, he put his hand in his pocket and took his cellphone out. A sent message was shown - "Sewers". The name of the receiver was not important. She wouldn't know him anyways. But the message was clear. He gave her an opportunity to check it out before continuing. "Before you continue grinning like an idiot, just let me say I'd gladly make a contract with you, but we won't do it solely your way. In a few minutes Russia's finest dogs will come to sniff this place out, according to my message. So, unless you don't want to explain your actions regarding this blunt assault. I suggest we come to friendly terms and move away from here. I got the feeling you don't appreciate dogs of any kind." He stopped for a second. "I am sure you have something I could use. And I'm sure it works both ways. So, what is your decision, foxy lady?" His blue eyes made contact with the gold. "And you're pretty wet."