[b]-Thalen Cairn-[/b] The old smuggler ship "The Krayt Mother" got out of hyperspace in the pirate infested sector of space. It would´ve been easier to just go around it but the client wanted his case on Felucia as soon as possible. [hider=Flashback] Thalen drank from his cup before leaning forward on the table. He was meeting a trandroisian in-between contact in a cantina on the smuggler moon of Nar Shaddaa. The trandrosian represented someone named “Mr. Red” who spent a lot of credits to aquire a certain object and this was to be the last delivery. The object had been changed hands multiple times and this was to be a special delivery straight to the client at last. There was also a lot of credits in it and the crew of the Krayt Mother could definitely use it. The old transport was in need of a partial overhaul due to some deals that have gone bad. The ship was still space worthy but she had seen better days. Captain Thalen Cairn accepted the deal and was a little surprised to see that the package was just really small briefcase with a bio-key. Thalen accepted the case and the forward payment which was exceptional for forward payment and then left to his ship the Krayt Mother and her crew.[/hider] With the ship out of hyperspace and its stealth module activated so it wouldn’t be seen by any less advanced radar. The crew would now have to navigate through the sector of space without relying on the hyperdrive or risk getting snared up by the pirates that ruled this sector of space. What would be ideal would be to catch a lone pirate ship and hijack it, grabbing any maps, coordinates and co frequencies so they’d be able to get through the sector without having to run into any pirates…or use the opportunity to catch the leader of this army of pirates. It was said that he held quite the bounty on his villainous head. Thalen was sitting in his captain’s chair, watching the stars pass by as the Krayt Mother flew across the empty void of space. The red zabrak watched the consoles on the ship and especially the radar. He had set it to detect any energy source from a ship or something similar and from what he could see; there was a single blimp on the screen not too far. Not within eyesight but it was there. It wasn’t moving at the moment but it was operational by the readings. “Crew of the Krayt Mother, Welcome to one of the most pirate infested sector in the known galaxy. We here at Krayt mother express wish you all a nice trip. In fact, not too far we have a corvette sized ship in range of our radar” Thalen said in the ship’s com system which sent his voice through each of the three floors of the ship, making sure that everyone on it would hear what the captain said from the cockpit. “The captain thinks that they might need some help relieving some of their data from their systems. Shall we go and help them?” He asked everyone in the ship. [b]-Haklo Varien-[/b] It was a dark dawn for the Jedi on Coruscant. The last of the flames were doused from the sudden Sith attack that has so devastated the temple. They had come in a lightning like flash and deafening boom and the next thing the Jedi knew was that instead of just one sith infiltrator there were over two dozen and all of them had ignited lightsabers. The battle was quick and brutal with the favor being with the Sith. They were strong in the force, very strong. The Jedi suspected that the Sith might have been powered up by Sith Alchemy. By the time the Sith had drawn back from the attack, vanishing as fast as they had appeared, they had slain about twenty Jedi and injured many more. Worst of all, they had abducted three key members of the Jedi council, including the Grand Master. They were master Veerla, Kel’dor male who was known for his expertise with a Lightsaber, Kor’Dun the Twi’lek master who is known for his calm and strategic mind and then the grand master, Master Skara, a venerable little green man who is said to be a Master’s master. And the Sith had abducted them all. Despite the Jedi’s best efforts, they have still not found their locations through the force. A meeting was then called and every Jedi with the rank of Knight or higher was to be to be in the main hall. There, the rest of the Jedi council was gathered before a small round table with pieces of a strange device that had been discovered by investigators. “We have called you here because we have gotten a lead on the Sith attack” Said Master Chuun, a Cathar male of impressive build and had an air of authorotiy. “We believe that the device here is the thing that gave the Sith the means to invade with such ease, a teleporter beacon. This proves that the Sith have gotten developed a secret weapon and this was their demonstration of this device. We have determined that this device was developed by kaminoan scientists. Currently, Kamino states it’s neutrality though we believe that it might not be the case. Either Kamino is now under Empire control or this was the creation of just a group of renegades. Either way, we cannot let this go unanswered. A team of Jedi shall be chosen to go to Kamino and find out the true events of this device and where to strike the Sith” The master said, looking over at all the Jedi. One of which was Jedi Knight Haklo Varien, an ambitious but kind hearted man very skilled in the ways of the force and lightsaber combat. He, among many others of the Jedi, was angry and afraid of the Sith after the attack. One of the Council members was also his own master which he had viewed as a sort of surrogate uncle at times. He wished to be among those who were to take part of this mission and find out where the Sith were located. [b]-Traya Kree-[/b] Traya Kree walked through the halls of Naboo with an air of confidence and mischief. She was one of Darth Scorn’s personal spies and guard and she had her own estate in the beautiful planet of Naboo. She was practically royalty there. Now though, she was to lay off her easy living and come to the main hangar in the royal palace. Despite that, she insisted on wearing her best, a velvet dress with a deep V neck and a split all the way up to her thigh; integrate patterns of a rare flower native to Naboo. The Sith from Operation Harbinger were returning from dealing a fatal blow to the Jedi. She thought to herself how many of their puny Council the Sith had abducted. Servants went out of their way to get out her way as she approached the hangar blast doors. They opened as she approached and she was greeted with the sight of nearly two platoons of red plated imperial troopers, all standing in formation as two Sith transports landed. She also saw Darth Scorn with his two personal guards, each a Sith and each despicable creep, but deadly. Traya made her way to a good spot it he hangar and watched as the transports landed and the Sith heroes depart from it.