[center][b]Welcome aboard![/b][/center] [hider=The World]This RP takes place in a fictional world. I want members to have the freedom to dictate events without being tied down by a plethora of historical facts. That being said, I enjoy lore and history so there is a small amount in existence. Hopefully, we can build more history and lore throughout the RP. Note: People can conspire against each other through PMs ----- [center][b]World Map[/b][/center] [img=http://s30.postimg.org/d0f8rm27l/mapwordss.jpg] ----- The countries of Lorek and Andrus have been in conflict over territorial waters for years. Two years ago, a peace treaty was signed to open up more international waters for trade. Conditions are less than ideal at the moment, and people hold disdain for other nationalities after a crippling war, in which the trade route issue was a primary driving force. Cities are in a state of reconstruction, and pirates are capitalizing on lightly guarded ships and towns to loot money. As you can imagine, widening the international waters allowed them access to more ships than ever. Of course, assuming they don’t get caught. [b]Facts and lore:[/b][list] [*]Rosa was allied with Andrus hoping to gain trade benefits from the neighboring country. [/*] [*]All of the countries in this RP are modeled (to an extent) after existing cultures. Lorek was inspired by Great Britain and other English countries, Andrus was inspired by west Asia, and Rosa was inspired by Spain. However, the governing systems are not exact replicas, by any means![/*] [*]Giant sea monsters roam the oceans; they’re drawn out by loud sounds because they hunt in storms. Be on the lookout for these beasts when thunder reaches your ears.[/*] [*]The slave trade is a growing business. Low class citizens go missing, and it’s not always due to disease.[/*][/list] [/hider] ----- [center][b]Pirate crews[/b][/center] [hider=Crew: Neptune's Bounty]Under construction: waiting for character sheets. ----- [center][b]Crew Members[/b][/center] [b]Officers:[/b] Captain: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/24636/posts/ooc?page=1#post-683176]Lester Montagne[/url] is a competitive man and opportunist. Being curious, he will eavesdrop on locals for useful information. He isn't afraid to express his opinions with the crew and is eager to hear their thoughts. He has strong opinions and will get into debates often. While he may seem laid back at times, he takes his position seriously and will act as a mediator for any conflicts that arise. Quartermaster: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/24636/posts/ooc?page=2#post-686493]Celeste Robillard[/url] is a woman who has become cynical with age. For a pirate, her upbringing is rare and makes her a valued asset. Not many crew members can do math... let alone accounting! The captain will request her presence in towns whenever he is bartering for goods. He has recently begun asking Mary to run errands for the woman in hopes of improving her speech skills. She has a strong sense of justice and won't stand for anyone, even the officers, doing wrong. Helmsman: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/24636/posts/ooc?page=1#post-683377]Kristion[/url] is a gruff man who prefers solitude over the company of his rowdy crew mates. He has strong morals and places a high value on living beings. Most people don't assume he is intelligent because of his background and rough demeanor, but the captain confides in him for plans. The man commanded an attack when he was fifteen to escape slavery. That couldn't have been seen through with brute force alone. Doctor: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/24636/posts/ooc?page=3#post-688289]Fahd Dario Aydinn[/url] is a man who has experienced betrayal by the hands of his own brother. He fell into a pit of depression after being framed for his father's death and turned to alcohol for comfort. Despite this, he works as a doctor helping the sick and wounded crew members on board the Neptune's Bounty. He is one of the most valued members on the crew, and one of the few with the ability to read, write, and converse with nobility. [b]Crew[/b] Special Ops: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/24636/posts/ooc?page=1#post-683334]Kazumi[/url] is an upbeat person with a gentle heart. Don't let her demeanor fool you though. She was trained to be a ninja, and has earned a spot on the crew's special operations team. While she is typically a gentle person, if you mess with her belongings you'll find yourself on the opposite end of her scorn... and hopefully nothing more. Special Ops: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/24636/posts/ooc?page=2#post-686346]Alexi[/url] summers is a cold-hearted woman who enjoys the thrill of battle, particularly if fatalities are involved. While she is somewhat of a loose cannon, there aren't many who can face her in a fight and come out alive, so the captain values her skills. She works with Kazume to balance out the two women's personalities. Bard: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/24636/posts/ooc?page=1#post-685161]Mary Wind[/url] is a cheerful and flamboyant musician who lives life freely. She improves the crew's morale with her compositions and sunny disposition. The captain sees value in her ability to change situations, namely due to people's moods, and considers her a good speaker. Sailor: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/24636/posts/ooc?page=3#post-686624]Carmen Pamaleros[/url] is a competitive, head strong woman. She is independent, and quick to use her fists or weapons if she feels slighted. Not much is known about her past, but she seems to be hiding insecurities through lashing out at people. [/hider]