Kijani watched as the Alderman discussed what was hopefully to be her lodging with the owner of the property. Even from where she was sitting, she could see he was less than pleased. That didn't bode well. A twist of nerves hit her stomach. If this Vinegar man didn't agree, she had no idea what she'd do for sleeping quarters. To try and distract herself, she turned to the girl beside her. Feather. A unique and lovely name, that spoke at something both beautiful and incredibly fragile. Something of use, too, if you thought about it. She smiled politely at the girl who was to be her chaperone for this "holiday" of hers. "Have you ever been a maid before, Feather?" She wanted to know what the girl knew- and what Kijani could perhaps get away with not telling her. "I am an easier charge than most, but I will still need help with the basics. Laying out my clothing, the wash... you know, usual things. Honestly, the rest of it I can handle, though I know it's not my station to do so." She paused, thinking. Since the whole 'pig shit' incident several miles back, Kijani had been more than reluctant to marvel aloud about the simplistic beauty of the town. She didn't want to sound like an idiotic city girl, though she was, if she really, really thought about it. But there were simply things that she didn't know. "What sort of places are there, in town? Shops, perhaps? A bookstore?" The second one was something wished for, but not something she wagered on actually getting. Good thing she'd packed plenty of books, and her journal, within her traveling bag.