So I've never done a 1x1 type of rp and I would like to try it out and learn about it. I would consider my level somewhere in between free and casual. I play both males and females and I can post at least once a day (if I'm not working I can probably post more often). I can RP using both a thread or PMs. I do not like one liners but I do understand that the situation will sometimes call for it. I'm fine to romance but I want the rp to be focus more on the story. I would like to do a DC Marvel Crossover rp with me playing as X-23 and someone else playing as Superboy (as they are both clones who were created to be weapons). The story would probably start around before either one of them escape their facilities. There are several ways that the two of them could met. I'm also willing to double up. If you want more information about how I rp or about the rp itself feel free to leave a message or send a PM.