Cassie was relieved when Lucien slowly released his hold on the knife and she was able to take it away, looking at him softly, about to say something when mummers about Uncle coming reached her ears. She looked over to see Uncle push through the crown as well, and seeing the position the three of them were in, asked someone to tell him a really big lie about what was going on here. Toni was silent, looking down and rubbing the back of his head and Lucien didn't seem to be in a talking mood at the moment either. She paused, looking down at the knife in her hand before she looked back to the older man, "It was my fault, Uncle.....I wanted to learn more about your human tactics in I asked Lucien if he could show me how to use a knife....but then Toni wanted to help....and I suppose people seeing the two with knives and speaking to each other must have seemed they came and got you." Well, he asked for a lie and he got one. It was just up to him whether he wanted to accept it or not. But whatever he said, it was obvious she was ready to take the complete blame for this mishap, as she was rather sure it had been about her anyway. She moved to take the whetstone fro Lucien and put both it and knife on the table before she turned to Uncle, doing her best to give him a convincing smile, "No danger here....Everything is fine....I promise next time I wish to do something like this I will ask your permission." Though hopefully nothing like this would happen again. She didn't know why her brother and Lucien had it out for each other, but she was planning on making this stop as soon as she could. If she was going to back here with them than they couldn't be at each other's throats everyday.