The sour look on the old man's face showed he clearly did not believe a word of Cassie's explanation, but he said nothing more about it. Shaking his head, Uncle waved everyone away. His voice was hard and flat. "Right. Show's over. It's a 6 kilometer trek to the vehicles and it just peaked 102 degrees on the surface; you need to get moving before it starts to cool off. Without that heat to hide you, the robots' sensors will pick you out in no time flat. You got ten more minutes to get your gear settled, say your goodbyes and get your asses to the entrance for a final briefing." Turning towards the two feuding men, he scowled again. "Toni, you come with me now. There's some a specific goal that I'm assigning you that I want to go over. Lucien? You be in the lab in five minutes; I've got a job for you, too." "Move it, people!" He clapped his hands sharply together. "Move it! It's 'Movie Sign' time!" As the mob of team members began to break up, Lucien sighed and tossed the stone back into the locker with a thunk. With Cassie still standing there, he felt ashamed at his actions yet wished she had been there to hear him, to hear his side of what had happened. Now, with the clock ticking and Uncle expecting him in a matter of minutes, there would be no time for explanations until after he got back. Knife-less, Lucien checked the hang of the automatic pistol on his belt before grabbing the sawed-off shotgun. The heavy 10-guage only held six rounds (with one in the chamber), but those shots were lethal to even the metal skeletons of the Androids at close range. The rest of his pack contained more or less the same as everyone else's: canteen, rope, duct tape, flashlight, magnesium strip and so forth. The only other addition to his gear was the weighty pry-bar he slung over his shoulder, a monster of steel some three feet in length with a crooked end that twisted into a wicked hook. Getting his stuff settled about his person, Lucien spoke quietly to Cassie without being able to bring himself to look at her. "I'm moving out of Pony's nest," he told her softly, "When I get back. I hadn't told her yet, but she's figured it out already. I'll... crash in one of the side tunnels or something until... until we figure something out. If you want, that is." It was then that he looked up at her, his young face solemn and serious beyond it's years. "I love you, Cassie. But... I don't want to force or trick you into anything. If you want me back in your life... and in your nest... you got me. If you want to wait, I'll wait." The others were heading out, a fact that did not escape his notice. Feeling the pressure to be on his way as well and yet reluctant to be parted from her, Lucien just stood there with hands half raised as though wanting to hug her but unsure if he should dare after... everything.