[center][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/rsbexu.png[/IMG][/center] Instead of sleep time elapsed in intense meditation. It would have been impossible to catch a nights rest in this town after the events which had recently unfolded thus the reason her armor remained on. Under normal circumstances she would have been able to drift off into a deep slumber on the pleasant futon laid atop shiny bamboo flooring. This quiet moment was also spent practicing the Revitalize fonic hymn she had been trying to master for a little while now. Back at home before her status was revoked elves never ceased to notice how much dedication, and time Lumen spent on practicing Thaumae. Obsession to better oneself held true to the elven culture and she certainly acknowledged this fact, though there were many elven qualities Lumen rather overlap with other qualities instead…especially since the council became extremely iron-fisted. Lumen’s eyes slowly opened after a few hours suspecting the time to go fourth was nigh. A polite voice sounded from the opposite side of the screen informing her that a bathing room was now available. A sweltering bath seemed perfect before another lengthy trek to follow her intuition on the burning temple. She picked up her withered staff and made way to the area, prepping before stepping into the crystal clear water, and spending roughly twenty minutes soaking in the relaxing natural spring. After this ritual of cleansing was finished she dressed, casually entered the lobby with pink tresses still damp, and instantly locked eyes on the man from yesterday. Stopping for a quick second in surprise he had decided to stay before closing the distance between them. [b]“I see you stayed.”[/b] Her voice remained just as hollow as the previous night. [b]“There was no need for you to interfere yesterday though your attempt was successful in luring the Knights away.”[/b] Not a proper thank you but if he expected recognition or thanks for return that was the best he would receive from this scorned elf.