As Ashe awoke that morning well rested he began getting dressed,starting with his,pants,and he dressed he considered the day ahead,he had already decided to help the to women if he could,and he also needed to sell some of the goods he'd acquired on the he began to get his shirt he thought about what he should do in the future.He obviously couldn't fight,and travel forever.At some point he'd need to find a place to hang his head,the only question was where?At that he sat down on the bed looking out the window on morning sun pondering the future,when he suddenly recalled the past.He thought about the few months he spent with Kyah before she was killed,it was kind of rough at times but they made it through,and of course he always had her there to comfort him during the bad times.It was only two years ago but it felt like another life.As Ashe reminisced on days gone by he leaned back onto the bed,closing his eyes picturing her smile,and her gentle touch,and her long beautiful hair. Honestly she was the only good thing he could remember at this point."I always wanted to give you something in return Kyah...i wish i could see you again,at last once" he thought,with a sigh he stood up deciding he may as well finish getting dressed. As he fastened his hood he stood in front of the mirror to make sure his features were hidden,satisfied he turned around,and grabbed his bag slinging it over his shoulder.Looking in the mirror one more time before leaving the room he was pleased by the fact that even though he was little more than a vagabond at this point his clothes hid the fact well.he had two rather expensive sets of clothing,and a few other more common sets,he was wearing a rather expensive hooded coat with a nice shirt under it,and tailored pants with hand made boots at the time.They were a gift from a kind rather well to do man he had helped in the past,he always made a point to keep as clean,and well groomed as possible. With that he walked out of his room to the lobby area,asking the inn keepers for a meal,intending to eat before helping the two he met the night before.As the in keep went to prepare his meal Ashe noticed the red haired man from the night before in the lobby,not wanting to seem rude he decided to at least greet him. with that he walked over to him stopping about four feet away saying "good morning,have a good rest?" attempting be as pleasant as he could while wearing his hood.