While waiting for the mixture to settle in, Ygnatius had poured boiling water from the kettle over a tea bag to let it steep just as a knock sounded at his door. He'd felt the children coming long before they'd arrived, their magics announcing their presence long before they crossed the glen. Appearing too eager though was not something he would do under any circumstances, although he had been looking forward to their arrival from the moment he sent the requests out. Watching the water become stained by the tea leaves, he tapped a finger on the wooden surface of the counter next to his mug. Although age had slowed him physically without his herbs, he was a very sharp old man - his mind just as focused as it had been in his youth. Pretending to be frail was part of his ruse he would have to put on until he knew the three children he'd summoned had passed his tests. Part of that was to show patience, as he had learned from years of mistakes - patience is most certainly something needed to be able to focus with a clear mind. Darcy tapped a shoe against his other at the red-head's knock on the solid door, halfway expecting the grandmaster mage to suddenly appear - or to have already appeared before they made it this far. Blinking at the silence that followed the knock and sparing a glance at the other apprentice, words wondered idly out without much thought, "Perhaps he's not home? Men of greatness can hardly be expected to be at home all the time, right?"