(Time jump to Health class.) "Alright, class. This next video is a little graphical. If you need to, leave and get air in the hallway." The teacher spoke, dimming the lights. The old tv began to play, flickering into life with a whirr of the tape player. James leant back in his chair as the video played, an old lecture on smoking and drinking. He seemed fine untill they began to show the damage to the lungs and kidney. Swaying a little in his seat, he left the room, standing in the hallway. He felt sick and dizzy, unable to handle anything "gross". ------ Arthur glanced at the screen, rolling his eyes. He smoked plenty and never felt ill, besides, it was his body, so what were they to tell him what to do? So what if he smoked himself to death, it was better then being stuck in class all day.