[quote=Grijs] Oh, hello there! Missed me? 'course you did. Well look, I’m saddened to inform you good fellows that unfortunately I won’t be joining this fine Roleplay after all! But I do wish you all a good game etc etc etc…Smell ya later, losers! [/quote] Well that's unfortunate and you will be dearly missed. I just hope that you don't work your ass off to become the Champion and along the road have to bury your dear Raticate because it was killed in a Pokemon fight gone wrong all the while being trailed by this little shit from your hometown who possesses the ability of being the "hero" and also loading the previous save every time you beat his ass until he eventually wins by pure luck but despite the crutches that he leans on you press forward and defeat the elite four and become the champion for a total of five minutes until that little shit comes in and pretty much kills your dreams and even though your starter pokemon is the superior type he wins through love and friendship and other dumb shit that actually doesn't happen in the real world which results in all the blood, sweat and tears you've given to be absolutely worthless and you result in becoming a bitch ass scientist in a failed attempt to replace the irreparable blow to your soul so much so that all that is left is a void of bitterness, despair and self hatred. So ya, smell ya later my Homedizzle