"Am I the only one who brought a car?" Henry snapped, beckoning the three to her car. She settled into the driver's seat, buckling herself in and revving up the engine. She looked out the window once no one had made a move to get into the car and said to them, "Rules of the car: one, do [i]not[/i] get any nasty shit on my leather; two, you get any ice anywhere in my car, I'll slit your throat; three, [i]my[/i] car, [i]my[/i] music. Last, but not least, you mention women being bad at driving [i]one[/i] time - [i]one fucking time[/i] - your ass is on the street." As if to defy them, she flicked it onto her favorite classical rock station and blasted it as loud as she could, almost injuring her own eardrums in the process. Henry rolled the window back up and forced herself to unlock the car. She had a feeling that if she allowed them to ride with her, her car wasn't going to make it through the week - [i]almost like a curse...[/i]