CS Name- John Durham (need an Englishy name, for I have an Englishy name. Even though I am only a plurality British) Age- 23 Gender-Male Appearance- 6'1". Fair skinned, dark hair, grey-green eyes. Looks Icelandic or British, or possibly plain Western/Northern European. Strengths- Intelligent, Creative (less artistically and more academically), Resistant towards disease and illness, good natured, good with kids and animals (animals and kids like me back, I actually got a squirrel to approach me once-before it scampered off), cautious, resistant to social pressure/propaganda/advertising/certain kinds of fallacies, fast learner (if I am motivated), philosophical, truthful, cold tolerance. Weaknesses- out of shape, autistic, morally inflexible (well not horribly, but I am a consummate rule follower and will only break or ignore rules if they are stupid or if they need is sufficient), poor social ability, pacifistic (at least towards people), lacks deceit. Skills- Good writer (if I want to, I can write good essays), fourth or so year university student, politicial science and philosophy education (well not complete).... (I need more hobbies) Equipment- Wallet, cellphone, eight GB memory stick, and as of late Rosseau's "The Social Contract" (been meaning to read that of late), House- Two bedroom house, with a excellent tv, a decent computer, a Xbox and book collection (plenty of accademic books, some fiction) [scaling down from where I live now], and somehow the Massai warclub that was bought as a souvenir tagged along as well. In game purchases: Training Sword (on order) Striking Martial Arts manual (on order) Exercise book(s) (on order) German Swordsmanship Manual (on order) Stake Knife (on order) Two hunting knives (on order) Longsword (not sure about), Chevrolet Opera (I don't think I bought it yet).