Cassie said her quick goodbye to Lucien and watched him head off, before she, remembering that she had left Jacob in the dining hall, quickly made her way there and upon walking in was....relatively surprised. There, sitting at the table, was Jacob, but he was sitting in Pony's lap, leaned against her and listening intently to some story out of a book about a camel. Jacob before had seemed very displeased about the presence of Pony, but right now that didn't seem to matter. he was enjoying his story time and that was all the little boy seemed to really care about for the time being. Carefully Cassie approached the two and smiled when her nephew saw she was back, "Cassie! Ms. Pony has a book of stories! They're really neat! You should listen to it with us!" Cassie smiled and was about to answer when Jodie walked into the dining hall and over tot he small group, "Actually Jacob, Uncle has given us orders to show Cassie around the caves. She never did have an official tour. Pony can join us if she wishes." The woman, while often shied away from Pony considering her husband didn't like the girl, had nothing personal against her either. She smiled sweetly at Cassie and made a gesture, "Come on. Uncle said he wanted us to finish the tour before they get back. It'd just be easier that way." Cassie nodded and followed the woman about. Thee were many places to see but it seemed to go by very quickly. One place that puzzled her and they had to stop for moment was in a cavern where there was a calmer river. It was lit up by just one or two lanterns and there was a dividing sheet. "This is the bathing cavern. Boys go to the left, women on the right. I was told you had a run in with the more intense part of our river. That river actually runs through three or four caverns here, but this is the only one that is calm enough for us the be in. We get our drinking water from a well just at the surface. If you'd like, you can bathe tonight after dinner." Cassie nodded and they continued on with the rest of the tour. Then when the tour was over, they went for lunch. After that, it was a lot of waiting. She really wished for Toni and Lucien to hurry. But still, dinner came and they weren't back. As Cassie bathed after dinner, she heard the mention of the people returning and git out and dressed as fast as she could, going quickly done the halls to where the people who returned were, still damp with her hair dripping water still, but too worried about making sure Lucien and Toni were okay to care. She quickly came to where the entrance was, looking about the survivors for the two men.