A new group of bandits and theives has begun to cause trouble throughout skyrim. Most just shrug it off, thinking of them as just your usual group of bandits, but The Companions think otherwise. From what rumors that have been floating around in Whiterun, they're very tense about this matter. Aela said that from the old scents she's been smelling around Riverwood, where a few first arrived, they aren't your usual theives or bandits. She's been picking up scents of other Werewolves and even Werebears. Which is odd since Werebears are usually found in Solstheim, High Rock, Morrowind, and the Imperial Province. Plus the only Werewolves she knew of were apart of the Companions. Rumor has it that the new group calls themselves The Strangers. They don't have a leader at all, they all kill and steal, but none of them are at each other's throats. From what witnesses have seen, they all seem to wear Fur Armor, Forsworn Armor (either from being a Forsworn or just looting it from a dead one), Roughspun Tunic, or Ragged Trousers. Despite the fact that they haven't struck any major cities or villages, The Companions say that they can be extremely dangerous and wild. A few murders have been reported near Markarth recently, five hunters brutally mauled to death. A farmer's home was broken into while he was traveling and was completely looted clean of anything that was of use. His cow was devoured and hardly anything was left of it. The only trace of his chickens were some feathers still laying on the ground. So far the evidence points to the Druadach Mountains by Markarth, but it appears that they keep moving. No camp has been discovered of theirs. Who are The Strangers? Why are they here? And where are they going to strike next? ---- The Strangers do indeed wander around, but stick to the Druadach Mountains for the moment. All Strangers are a sort of Were-creature. Although citizens only know of Werewolf and Werebear, they have others such as Werelions (Khajiits usually turn into this), Werecrocodiles (Argonians usually turn into this), Wereboars (Not very common though), but they have yet to aquire Werevultures (only seen in Valenwood) and Weresharks (extremely rare). There are no members that aren't a type a lycanthropy due to the fact that if they want someone to join, they spred the disease to the person they want, and if they don't have any intention of making the person join, they just eat or maul them. The Strangers don't have a 'camp', rather they sleep outside on the grass, maybe a few in a tree or on a rock somewhere, or when they raid a farm they sleep in the house for the night and then move on, but since they all have a feral and wild state of mind, they prefer to sleep like any other wild animal. Suprisingly, no one in The Strangers is tense towards any other members due to the fact that they see each other as pack-mates of sorts. While in normal form they all eat like any other normal person in skyrim, in beast form they'll eat any sort of meat including people. Newer members usually wear a Roughspun Tunic or Ragged Trousers, older members usually wear Fur or Forsworn Armor from their kills. They despise civilization, everything is too organized, too secure. They're tired of seeing wood and stone walls. Their purpose is to survive, infect, and thrive by bringing civilization down to its knees. -I might add more- --- You can choose a side, The Companions, who want to keep everything in order and such, or The Strangers, who want to destroy civilization and spread their way of life. --- Companion CS --- Name: Age: Species: Gender: Werewolf or Normal?: Description: --The reason why I put description instead of a pic is because some pics are hard to find that fit your character when doing Skyrim Rps-- How long have you been a Companion?: How did you join?: Choice of Armor: --nothing too advanced like dragon armor or whatever-- Other: [/hider] --- Stranger CS --- Name: Age: Species: Gender: Were-Species: Choice of Armor: --Choose between: Forsworn, Fur, Roughspun Tunic, Ragged Trousers-- Description: --Put description here instead of Pic because its hard to find a pic to match your character sometimes for a Skyrim Rp-- How did they find you?: How long have you been a Stranger?: Other: ---- My Stranger ---- [hider=Kargaal]Name: Kargaal the Feral Age: 22 Species: Nord Gender: Female Were-Species: Werewolf Choice of Armor: Forsworn, but she doesn't wear the helmet/head-piece Description: Kargaal stands 5'7", has pale white skin, hair is black and styled into a mohawk with a small braid in the front, eyes are blue, she has a red warpaint handprint across her mouth, and her build is kinda thin but strong. How did they find you?: She was apart of the small group that formed The Strangers. How long have you been a Stranger?: Eversince she was 20 (which was when they were first forming) Other: Tends to have a liking and high respect towards Orcs, and tends to sleep in a patch of grass after transforming back into normal form.[/hider] --- Strangers --- [hider=Batul - Silverowl]Name: Batul Gro-Azorku Age: 28 Species: Orc Gender: Male Were-Species: [s]Wereowl[/s] Werebear Choice of Armor: Fur Description: Standing proud at 6'5, Batul likes nothing more then squaring up against someone of equal or smaller sizes to him. His skin is a dark green, and has a single scar running across his chest from an axe wound. His hair is kept tied up in dreadlocks to keep it neat and tidy. He wears a single gold ring with an emerald inside crafted by his own hands before he joined the strangers. How did they find you?: Batul was the leader of a mercenary group, when the strangers where first formed they took the life of a farmer boy. The father didn't have much, he had become a raving lunatic but paid a sum of hundred septims and offered Batul the farm he used to own in exchanges for the killing of his sons murderer. Batul and his mercenaries had been planning to take the head of the first forsworn or cut-throat they found, rather then hunt the real killer. But they where more powerful then he expected. Every other mercenary was devoured in front of him, he didn't expect to survive but carried on fighting. To this day, he doesn't understand exactly why his life was spared, without a leader he was simply told he had potential. How long have you been a Stranger?: 1 Year Other: Was a master Blacksmith before becoming a stranger, has a policy of respecting those who stand up to him. Strong believer in survival of the fittest[/hider] --- Companions --- N/A