Ashling felt her cheeks flush with happiness at Pete's approval of the poem. The girl's curiosity over the Jabberwock made Ash wonder a bit herself where she had exactly remembered the story. Perhaps it was read to her when she was young, but the vague memory of a mirror made her question the fact. A mirror, and scrambled writing, and a face that resembled a mouse or a bug. The image faded as she was met with a rather serious-looking Petria. Her words slipped into the air and melted, and Ash simply nodded. Thinking of slaying beasts at this moment was a far away idea, but upon remembering that they were Hunters she grinned. A wide, somewhat chaotic grin. It passed in an instant, and she was returned to her tired-looking self while watching Pete explore the shelves again, "Maybe there is a book," Ash spoke up, "I remember hearing... Or reading, rather, the story someplace before, but I forget where." In a room with a mirror, that might have been where. Perhaps it was simply another dream, but one from long ago. She hadn't been to a room with a mirror recently. Eventually the library grew quiet and Ashling let her head lean against her hand, getting comfortable in the seat. Around her there was a quiet bustle, a rhythmic noise, and the noise dragged down her eye lids. The threat of sleep was gathering. "Ashling." The voice was quiet but demanding, purring close to her ear, and her heart practically burst. There was a flurry of movements as she nearly toppled from the chair, saved herself, and then caught sight of Vapor, who lazily balanced on the chair beside her. He didn't speak, no, instead he glared at her. A silent warning. [i]Stay awake.[/i] A nod towards the Library door drew her attention there, and she blinked when Rumple passed by. Why point the goblin out? Ash turned to give the cat a questioning look but, much to her lack of surprise, he was already gone. And she was left to ponder. [i][center]~Vapor~[/center][/i] A purr rumbled deep in his throat as the world passed by at an alarming speed, shifting from one room to the hall. He was nothing, just a floating essence of mist, and then two eyes formed. Bright yellow, dilated pupils, cat eyes. A body formed around them, thin furred and painted in a muddle of different colors, paws, claws, and finally a tail. Soon a rather thin cat was standing on the cool flooring, padding down the hall towards the tavern. The girl would be fine on her own for now, and maybe with the hint he gave her she'll figure out where the dumb trinket is. His eyes focused on what was ahead of him, and his ears twitched at the sound of distant talking. Exploring this new dump wouldn't hurt much. After all, he needed to scoop out the area, in case the worst happened. The hall opened and a thick smell of people and alcohol filled the air, making the cat grumble. Vapor kept to the shadows, keeping his presence low while his eyes scanned the room. The cold woman was there, he remembered her scent (apples and wind), along with the bartender (whisky and wood), and two other people. One smelled like a mixture of a bear, a gorilla, and a man, a creature he had never experienced before. His eyes narrowed at the sight of the furry man, face scrunching up at the ridiculous smell. There was another man there, with dark hair and the smell of rain lingering on him. He seemed to be the newest. Vapor slunk forward a bit then sat, tail curling around his front paws, half shielded by the shadow of the wall. This scene in front of him seemed positively interesting, might as well see how it unfolds.