Faye glanced around at the Pokemon trainers that had gathered, absentmindedly memorizing their faces to get a good look at who she would see often for the rest of her time here. She turned to the man named David and listened intently as he addressed the crowd. The older man seemed to be a little unsure, Faye noted, as he announced the instructions for the new Rangers. [i]Room, gear, cafe-something, red hair-woman...[/i] She quickly mentally repeated the instructions in her head, a tad paranoid of ending up not being on the right track. She began to think about the 'heavy blizzard conditions' that David mentioned - and it lingered in her mind for a bit. Faye was no novice Pokemon trainer, but she still felt slight dread at the thought of trudging through the harsh storms of Korrano she had read about prior to the trip. She looked up at the voices of the other Rangers, one introducing themselves and another asking something Faye had wondered as well. Although she didn't feel the need to speak up, she hoped David would answer the elegant-looking Ranger. Faye felt unsure about how herself would find her way to the destination. She jumped slightly as clatter of chains shook the boat slightly as they docked completely at Korrano's waterfront.