I applaud you; you've got my interest peaked and now I wanna do this! :D Name: Elniss Grae Age: 23 Gender: Female Sexuality: (If you mean Sexual drive) She's not a slut, but she will get into a relationship if presented with a suitable gentleman. Class: Hunter Appearance: (Pictures are preferred) [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/ef/0f/fd/ef0ffd8f1abeadd631e3b295da8a5fac.jpg[/img] Sorry, I'm a huge Tauriel fangirl... Weapon(s): Hunting Armor: She wears simple clothes made of fabric. Personal Trinkets: (If any) She has a necklace with a metal leaf on the end. Short History: Elniss became a servant for her mother's lord when she was nine, and grew up under the man's rule. When it was found that Elniss was not very good at a servant's job, she was assigned to join the hunting party that supplied the Lord's manor with food. Other: She is pretty weak and can be overpowered in close quarter combat.