Okay, I got it. Can you expand a bit more on the world? For example, does the RP take place on a very mountainous terrain like real life Japan, or will there be a lot of various terrain and cultures? Also, is there a Shogun, or a dominant clan? I'm really interested in the RP, and I want to have a very good idea about the RP world before I decide what kind of character I will go with. Edit: Also, kanji is a killer. I've only been studying for 6 months now. I only know maybe 100 kanji. It's rough... I sometimes even have to remind myself how to write the kanji for watashi. Still, I plan to keep going at it. At this point, I've come to realize that learning Japanese is about practice and putting time into it. That's partly why I'm interested in this RP. I want to be able to practice a bit of my writing if you do not mind. Of course, I'll put a translation as well right after what I type for those who can't read. Oh, and I have kind of the opposite problem. I can comprehend listening and reading pretty well, but speaking is rough for me. I don't know why, but the verb conjugations just murder me.