Name: Llywelyn ('Llyw') of Oaktower Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Human Class: Wizard Sexuality: Heterosexual (Bi-curious?) [hider=Appearance][img=][/hider] Weapons: Dagger, staff Armor: Robe and cloak Personal Trinkets: Spellbooks, component pouch, silver bracelet Short History: Llywelyn was born in the village of Oaktower, to a family of free peasants. He left home from a very young age to apprentice himself to the Elven wizard Auredhel- who was, incidentally, also the local Lord. Showing a great aptitude for magic, he quickly became one of the Elf's favorite pupils. Within the walls of Oaktower Keep, he learned much of Arcana, and was also schooled in such mundane disciplines as mathematics, reading and writing, history, and poetry. One evening, while wandering the edges of the nearby Drakenwald in search of alchemical ingredients, Llyw found himself rather lost. Exhausting every magical means at his disposal to either orient himself or contact his master, he was forced to wander aimlessly for several days. On the brink of starvation, he finally managed to stumble across the Hallows Inn. Personality: Llywelyn is polite and courteous, but somewhat secretive about his plans and intentions. His sheltered upbringing has left him a bit naive of the wider World, and as a result he is rather ignorant of many sordid or otherwise non-scholarly persuits.