"Aye captain!" Carmen called over the shrill screams of the wind and the rattling shake of the thunder. "Lads! Up the mast!" As ordered, she helped the dingy bastards climb the mast and secure the rest of the sails, all a while noticing the whirlpool increase in severity over the time she was damn near yelling her lungs out towards these men. "Ha! Is that all you have, lords of the sea?" In defiance she laughed to the very gods who threatened them with their divine judgment upon the salty rogues and sea-dogs. She laughed to all the gods of the heavens with intention to blaspheme. Damn them all she says. The only master of fate is yourself. Securing the last cord of the sail, she hoisted it back, moving the sail a quarter inch enough to catch the prevailing winds and steer the ship away from harm....hopefully enough. She paused a moment though, her eyes peeling away from the turbulent seas and falling upon Alexi, her shanty quite alluring to the woman's ears, as was her voice.