Fenn looked started at the elf spoke to them and then looked forlorn as she saw Kyalia's expression from under the hood. "No...no, no, no. I refuse. I absolutely refuse. Kyalia, we are outlaws if you haven't forgotten. Not exactly the legal type." Fenn groaned but Kyalia simply put two gold pieces on the bar and walked over to the group as they were leaving, dropping her hood. "You need help, my friend and i are willing to help." Kyalia informed Avalon, as Fenn walked over to her side, not looking willing to help at all really but she was there, and that's all that really mattered. "I am an elf, as you can see, and my friend here is a witch. We are both fighters, and she is a healer as well." Kyalia informed Avalon, seeing as he would need to know their skills in order for him to even think about letting them join. Fenn shot her a dirty look...they could be witch hunters for all they knew! "Sor' of. I can't perform any miracles yet but I can't heal a bone or two in a pinch." Fenn said, deciding if Kyalia was going to drag her threw this, Fenn might as well get a word in. "If we help you, you're not going to kill us in our sleep or imprison us are ya?" Fenn asked them, suspiciously. She didn't like this...not one bit. Elves and witches...they weren't usually friends. The only reason Fenn and Kyalia were, was because Fenn wasn't your run of the mill type of Witch and Kyalia wasn't your run of the mill type of Elf. It's the only reason they got along and Fenn suspected that these elves might not be as out there as Kyalia...in fact she was pretty sure they weren't.