"I the same, lass." Carmen replied with a smirk of her own towards the salty rogue, her equal surprisingly. "Ya got as much flame to your heart as I, and I like that about ya. Maybe after all this blows over, we can have a nice bottle of rum together." And with that, her gaze moved from the cold lass towards the sea, whereupon her eyes alit with Hell's very flames at sight of the monster peeking his head through the waves. "Jupiter's balls!" She growled clenching her fists. "Captain! Sea devil on the port side!" She rushed towards the edge of the ship, diving off into the water, drawing the knife she always kept in her boot, the only weapon that didn't get the locker. She swam upside Alexi's tiny dingy, hoisting herself aboard. "I'm comin' with ya, lass! We're takin' this hellbeast together!" LIke Carmen would ever pass up the opportunity for a good kill.