[quote=MonsieurShade] Alloy stifled the urge to sigh as he caught his brother's somewhat tone when Legion admitted to recording the affairs of the heroes. "As much as I hate having to keep information from Bane, i'm inclined to agree with you on this one. We wouldn't last five minutes against the league if we were discovered even if we both went all out.". Alloy's ears perked as he heard sirens and a single gunshot not too far off, prompting him to hand the vial to Legion with a sheepish smile, "Hey...sorry to do this, but could you maybe have this delivered to Bane yourself? I wanna make sure none of the 'normals' were badly hurt." Alloy said while trying to avoid looking in the direction of the shot. Despite his mission Alloy couldn't bring himself to let innocent people be harmed, it was something that Bane had constantly reprimanded him about, both through words and the occasional beat down, but still Alloy refused to leave civilians to their plight unless he couldn't help it. Not to mention the fact that there was still some residual guilt for beating the guards in the medical facility into a pulp. Alloy fidgeted as he awaited an answer, and likely a bit of jeering from Legion for his softheartedness. [/quote] Legion's crimson eyes narrowed slightly from under his sunglasses. "Really, Alloy..." he sighed quietly, though he grabbed the vial and placed it on his watch. In a flash of light, it was gone, shipped of to Bane's personal HQ. "Are you a hero, or do you work for Bane?" The cyborg took a glance at the bank, his naturally-bionic eyes taking on infrared vision, allowing him to zoom in and look straight into the building, where he could clearly see some idiotic chick sloppily 'robbing' the place. "I'm only covering your ass this one last time." He began to walk away, before disappearing into holographic particles. From behind Alloy, Legion uncloaked, his crimson blade twirling through his experienced fingers. "I would like to avoid taking you out, but if Bane sees you as a potential liability..." The cyborg sheathed his sword and once more disappeared, revealing that he was yet another hologram. He reappeared on a nearby rooftop, before leaping away once more. His voice crackled through the comm speaker, "Then I will have to deal with it..." --- Titus rested his back against the cold walls of this new...place, his head whirling from the sudden blast of information. Young Justice? He...was supposed to be in a team with these people? He wasn't socially awkward or anything...but all of this was completely random. Would Thor want him to do this? "Well since we are going to be working with each other for a long period of time presumably, we'd better get to know each other. I'm Craig, also known as Captain Britain the second." Titus looked over to where the others were standing. With a small shrug, the Asgardian walked over to the rest of his teammates, putting his helmet away and scratching the blonde stubble on his cheeks. "Greetings. I am Titus of Asgard..."