"Young Justice?... That's bad ass!" Geb said with a jump in the air. His normal smile doubled in size as he ran up and hugged Metamorpho. "Thanks boss!"" He said before letting go of his mentor and running over to his now teammates. He offered each and everyone of them a smile before saying in a upbeat tone. "How cool is this!" He said nearly jumping again. He felt like exploding, and with Geb that was a possibility, but he managed to keep himself just at the edge. When the boy who introduced himself as Craig Geb smiled and launched forward and hugged him, lifting him off the ground some. "It's nice to meet ya Cap!" He said before setting Craig down. As the second boy introduced himself Geb again hugged the next guy. "It's nice to meet you too Blondie!" He said with the same up beat tone as before setting Titus down. "Well I'm... Everyone!" He said with a laugh. "But I prefer Geb."