Batman shooked his head. "You dont need superpowers to be a heroe." A smile formed under his mask as he opened the door and revealed a room with computers, techniqual stuff. "You see. I used to be like you. Wiring robots and all. And I did most work on the computer, tracking people and so on. Anyways. You will be working here with the team. But you can also make whatever gadget you want or neeed. Plus, we will also need you outside with missions, you never know if you need to hack into a compute or something. Soooo you will be the brains of the team. What ever you need, is in this room. Wanna make some cool weapon gadget? Go ahead. How about some a coool airjet for the team? Anything. Now. If you want. You could be trained with hand combat." He waited for her response. ---- Melinda cleared her throat and smiled at their team leader and waved. " Melinda. Also Miss Martian.....and congrats on being leader, Crai- I me- I meeeaaan. Sir. Leader. Sir." She said smiling nervously at Craig. This was going to be a lonnng day. She noticed the others introducing themselves. "Hello, Titus and....Geb." she waved at them aswell.