Alloy rubbed the back his helmet sheepishly as Legion departed with a warning, "Right ,right...thanks brother. I guess i'll just have to keep producing favorable results to keep Bane from wanting me gone, yea?" he said with a light chuckle into his communicator before switching it off and running towards the crime in progress. Not to long after, Alloy skidded to a halt as he witnessed a girl around his age holding a gun to the head of a police officer, "This day just keeps getting better, doesn't it?" he hissed under his breath as the girl started issuing demands to the officer. By all rights, Alloy knew that he should have left the man to his fate, however he couldn't bring himself to just walk away, "Here we go again." Alloy said as he began to advance towards the girl, starting out in a jog, then transitioning into a run, and finally full on sprinting at the girl, willing his skin into its metal state in case she noticed him before he got to her and tried to take a shot. Allot tilted his head down and picked up his pace, fully intending to ram into Sapphire like a steaming locomotive and incapacitate her, then get out of dodge before the police or anyone else knew what had happened.