Lex stared down at the ashen ground from the roof of a high-rise with her feet dangling carelessly off the edge. She had left Jim safe and sound in an underground safe room she’d discovered almost a month and a half ago; but although it was a safe room, Jim and Lex had found themselves unable to return to it at times, finding fresh blood smeared on the ground nearby, and even a small three-armed creature rolling around in a puddle. It had been clear that the creature had once been a young, darker-skinned child with even darker hair. When coming upon things like these, the two would head back in the direction they came from and take refuge elsewhere for at least three days. They wouldn’t risk being trapped in the haven considering there was only one way in and out. Lex pulled her legs up, her feet returning to the solid roof. She showed herself back out of the building, already having taken the few things she could find that would benefit her and Jim before sitting on the rooftop. It was quiet back on ground-level, except for the wind knocking across the buildings, rattling broken glass pieces and rocks. Lex could remember the busy hustle of the streets years ago, but she wouldn't let her mind dwell on it. She couldn't her mind dwell on it. She knew that all thinking about the past would do is make her go crazy. She knew that because that's what happened to Jim. He was old and he had a lot of stories to tell- stories about their family and when she was so young she couldn’t even remember her own birthday. She took extra care to avoid these stories at all costs and even refused to call him her Grandfather. Jim was just Jim to her, and even though she would risk her life for him a thousand times, she was always prepared to say goodbye. By now, Lex was convinced that the city was completely deserted. It had been almost two months since she and Jim had decided to stay and not once did they come across other survivors. Back when they were staying in an abandoned cabin a few hours away from where they are now, they had found two others. The two became hysterical when they found them and, just by that, Lex could tell that they would be of no help to them; just another burden that they’d have to carry on their shoulders. After a quick readjustment of her backpack, Lex continued onto the next building. It was no wonder no one came to the city. It was crawling with creatures and there was barely anything useful left in the buildings, yet still, Lex consistently went out on a search every week, Meanwhile as Lex advanced on her hunt for supplies, Jim stayed sitting on a thin mattress, awaiting her return. He never went with her on these raids, as much as he wanted to. He knew he would only slow her down, especially if they were to be attacked. The older man’s head throbbed with the silence. He reeked of sweat and dried blood and he was missing the company of other people. It was nice back when they had run into new people. They had enjoyed his stories, which he assumed was because of the lack of entertainment there was now. But Lex thought otherwise of their company and decided they should leave as the strangers while they slept. Suddenly, a scratch against the pavement outside brought Jim back to reality. Assuming it was one of the Brutes, he didn’t move a muscle, praying for it to not be smart enough to explore the scents coming from the random wooden door in the ground. It was unfortunate praying was all he could do, considering Lex had taken the only knife they had, leaving a home-made wooden spear. It wasn’t exactly a guarantee that a wooden spear would make the kill.