IntChk: Blood & Benevolence Millersburg is a dying town, with its industries gone or leaving and the already-depleted population following close behind them. When a mysterious man buys an abandoned mansion on a hill overlooking the town, renovates it, and then begins throwing his money about the town, the response of the townsfolk is divided: some are very thankful at the infusion of cash, while others are suspicious of the stranger's motives. The motive for the man's benevolence is to make the town totally dependent upon him, so that they will be less likely to fight him when they find out he is a Vampire in need of blood -- and recruits -- to rebuild his Family. Looking for future Vampires, Blood Donors, and others, including those who will be eager to learn who and what he is ... and get rid of him. If you wish to look at the IC thread, [url=]this is the link[/url].