The fox appreciated the man whispering his address before setting out, though she didn't really need it. Slinking after him in the shadows, she occasionally took back alleys and round about ways just to be sure any unwanted onlookers didn't somehow take notice. At one point, the fox even cut across the road in front of him, but she was far enough down the street that he didn't see her. And even if he had caught a glimpse, she would have been just another stray roaming the city. Because of her indirect stalking, she missed the beginning of his phone conversation and the fox spirit momentarily hesitating. He very well could have told alerted someone about her existence; could have orchestrated a trap at his apartment. They were meeting on his territory after all. At this point, it was unwise to continue. She [i]should[/i] just cut her losses and find another target. But moving on implies failure, and the vain fox would rather fight her way out of a corner than simply walk away. Mention of a surveillance camera raised her internal anxiety further, but her pride refused to listen to reason. [i]At least I know there are cameras.[/i] She rationalized to herself. [i]That means I know to take care of them.[/i] That was the fox spirit’s greatest weakness. Despite all her knowledge and all her experience, she often disregarded both and relied solely on her ability. She was emotional and a bit impulsive, which made her sloppy. It was bound to catch up with her one day. Finally at the apartment, the fox spirit found the nearest alleyway and transformed back into the form of a beautiful woman. At first she walked right past the apartment, her eyes scanning sidelong to look for cameras. Seeing none, she turned around and walked up to the door, noticing it was cracked open for her. [i]What a gentleman.[/i] She thought with a smirk. She pushed the door open slowly and stepped inside, her eyes scanning the hall for cameras. Still nothing. She closed the door behind her and stood in the entryway, a puddle forming beneath her courtesy of her soaked clothes. Her face was neutral, golden eyes relinquishing nothing as they looked upon his face through the strands of black hair plastered to her face. She was beautiful and disheveled at the same time. It made her look wild, like the predator she was. It was warm inside the apartment, which only made her feel colder in her drenched attire. The woman hugged her arms to her body and waited for the man to speak.