I just have one simple request when it comes to these guys, other than that I would not presume to take control of the development of our joint project her: I do not want them to be immortal. I do not see androids as needing to be a "Computerized society" and I have talked to a few computer nerds who came up with plausible ways for the memories and such to be unable to live forever as to not let any android live past a certain age, with the level of technology we have right now, however since you have turned down all my ideas thus far I would like to hear your ideas for making the race mortal. It is the only thing I ask for, and the only thing I feel like putting my foot down on, so if you wanna pose your history feel free. I will vow now not to outright reject anything that has nothing to do with the mortality of the race. *Raises hand* I swear. I'm not as selfish as I seem, i simply tend to have very strong feeling over the oddest things, and my stubborn side tends to nag at me until we work out something that we both can agree upon that gives the least amount of compromise on both sides.