The prince remained standing and kept his eyes sufficiently averted as the fae went about examining then changing into the new sets of clothes, he was glad the fae seemed happy with the accommodation he'd provided, it was not much more than a personally decorated servants quarters but even that had seemed to be rather over the top in the opinion of the fae. He had thought about what the fae had said the previous night about how they had it easy while others suffered, he'd never thought about it before, aside passing thoughts, that there was just so much pointless space in the castle. Of course when it was built it was probably intended for keeping the villagers or nobles safe if there was a siege or war as that had been done several times in the history books but it was still strange that it was built so large. Perhaps it was also the way, back then, a person proved their wealth by having larger homes? Alessandro nodded lightly to the fae's words about the viewing of the castle, it made more sense that he show the bodyguard around, while he was certain the fae had amazing skills the Prince had learned no one was perfect and no one was infallible. Fae or not there were going to be things he overlooked, things that the prince for instance wouldn't as he knew where to look and what to look for. Like no doubt if Alessandro visited the fae's own abode he would know more than the prince about the ins and outs of it no matter how talented Alessandro thought he was. There were secret passages and peepholes, there were alternate routes and squeaky boards there were so many twists and turns it could make a man dizzy and one false step, even for a fae, would find a person with their head upon a chopping block. His family were not fools, foolish at times perhaps but they were not fools and they were well prepared for most eventualities, the guards on top of which were loyal and hard to corrupt and even the queen and princess had learned how to use a sword. The prince though remained quiet accept for his nod of understanding to the fae, he would show the fae what he could before the hours grew too late and then he would hope and pray to the gods that the fae didn't go and get himself caught in a place he ought not to be. Soon the subject of matter was the clothes, he had personally chosen such an outfit with what the fae had had in mind and was glad to hear they met his exacting standards. When the peripheral of his vision caught the undressing fae the prince made a more obvious act of turning away and keeping his eyes closed until he was asked for his opinion on the outfit. Turning around he glanced over the fae who was now donned in the Kings colours and gave another nod, "Yes, you look quite human now and less like you intend to kill me. Which i must say is a relief. Would you care to finish settlign in or shall I show you around?"