Name Talon Nailo Age: 24 Race: Human Gender: Male Sexuality: Hetero Class: Knight Appearance: [hider=My Spoiler][img=][/hider] Weapon(s): Longsword Armor: Remnants of the gear he had when entering the forest. The only armor he has currently is his wooden parma and a severely over-used chain-mail shirt. Personal Trinkets: The Lady King's Favor Short History: A rising star amongst her majesties new recruits, Talon's steel determination has earned him quite the reputation amongst the other recruits and none have seemed as promising as he in many years. Her majesties army holds a yearly competition amongst the newest soldiers for a chance at earning a favor given directly by the Lady King herself and Talon had been amongst the few dozen men to win it. Of course, Talon had never wanted any such reputation and all of the work he puts into his future knighthood is in the hopes that he can have anything he might need to protect those around him. On the orders of his superiors he joined a small band of soldiers on a small mission to check around the edges of the Drakenwald. There were troubling rumors of disappearances occurring frequently around the massive forest and it was up to her majesties forces to make sure that the people were in good care. During the second night of their mission Talon was jarred awake by the shouting of his squad mates. By the time he had stumbled out of his tent there was no one to be found but the sense that he was being watched was overwhelming. Unnatural dread and fear washed over him and the ungodly feeling caused him to sprint into the forest for cover. No matter what he tried, or how far he ran, he simply couldn't loose the feeling that something terrible was coming his way. After what felt like days, Talon had stumbled upon the clearing and autonomously worked his way to opening the door of the inn. ((posted this waaaay late at night and I probably need to have a little more clarity to make surer this isn't a jumbled mass. I'll proof read and edit as needed tomorrow))