Athinar [i]felt[/i] something, something that was coming from Valuun Keep. That old place never had been anything special, even when the mad general had ordered it's construction. Over the years, Athinar had seen it fall into eventual disrepair, and although it was by no means a ruin, it could by no means be called a castle. Even without the rumors of the "Under Deep", that place was bad luck. Valrund wasn't a very wise man, although he was shrewd. He pushed his troops to the limit, and when he was attacked at the keep, he won, but at the cost of over 60% of his men, and when the rest confronted him, he somehow killed them all, and vanished off the face of the earth. So why did he feel something, [i] now [/i] of all times? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Three Months Later - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Da' Danash trudged up to the NightRaven, hood over his head. Twirling his ring absently, the mage turned his eyes to a northerner who had just entered the inn. A tall, swarthy man, a warrior, by the looks of it. Stepping in after him, Athinar gazed around the room, and frowning, he looked upwards. Above his head, apparently in a room, was a feeling of... greed? He was no empath, by any means, but he could still divine the intent of people. Shaking his head, he muttered, "Trying to rob Valuun? Lofty aims for those with their heads in the clouds.." Turning his gaze back to the bar, he saw that there were far too many elves to be a coincidence. [i] Maybe a High Lord, with his company of adventurers? No, there are too many non-elven, and besides, they carry no insignia... [/i] As he walked up to the bar, his hands began to glow, and sparks came out of them. Frowning in irritation, he squelched the fire, but couldn't keep his hands from glowing a fiery red. Signalling for the bartender to give him something, it didn't matter to Athinar, he listened in on all of their conversations, all directed at the bartender. As the bartender came back with his ale, he tossed a coin down on the counter and swigged his beer. [i] Why do they all ask the bartender? I know he hears things, but still, he doesn't know[/i] everything. Turning to face them all, he said in a low, husky timbre, "Listen, if you're looking to raid the keep, let me give you a little advice: Don't. I've seen adventurers like you come and go, you're a gold a dozen. The only way to prolong your lifespan is to go the way you came. But if you're really determined....." Athinar sighed. "I guess I could help out."