[quote=Grey] "Alright, sounds like a plan... A pretty shitty, cobbled together plan, but a plan nonetheless," Ren said, turning from regular speech into a long sigh once he realized that they didn't even have a 'plan' to speak of. Well, it was too late to back out anyway, lest he risk the wrath of this young dragon. If crushing him was what she could do when she trying to kill him, he'd hate to see firsthand what it would be like when she . "Well, we need better leads than that," he said bluntly as he began walking to a 'safe zone', not even bothering to check if Arydun was following for the first dozen minutes. He did glance back every now and then afterwards, though. "Anyway," he continued after getting a sufficient distance away from the cafe and into a quieter section of the area, "I figure we need to do some info gathering."Ren leaned against an alley wall and removed a handheld device from his pocket. After fiddling with it for a moment or two, presumably to turn it on and get to the proper application needed, he began speaking again. "And where's the best place to get info? The library. Unfortunately, it isn't lunch break and by the time we get there, classes would already have started... Which means the moment we step foot inside, we get questioned for truancy business if we aren't in a school library, which unfortunately cuts us off from the International Library for a few hours," Ren sighed, "Looks like I'm going to classes . Fortunately for you, it's the introduction ceremony today, which means we can get you to masquerade as a student." He looked Arydun over again, "but you'll need real clothes, a school uniform actually, but it's not like I own a girl's uniform, nor can I go up to someone and ask 'hey, can I have your uniform?'..."Ren went pale at a certain thought. "Nope, not gonna do that," he mumbled as he kept browsing his mind for ideas. [/quote] Arydun had an confused expression like she always seemed to have as she followed Ren from the Cafe, blinking as she seemed to trot after the boy as they made their way to a secluded space so they could talk. IT was a good while before she decided to speak again as Arydun let Ren speak up a plan, though she didn't have much of an idea of what he was talking about, never being to a school and not knowing much about the clothes that most of the other creatures seemed to wear all the time. When Ren stopped talking and went on to mumbling to himself Ayrdun decided to speak up at last, she could do what she did to get the first book as it couldn't be that hard "I or we could sneak in to look for information? I can ask a spirit guide to help me, I could even see if you have a spirit guide of your own who might be willing to help us. A bit of a long shot, the spirits are not easy to ask help from but some of them are nice" She told Ren "It will take a while to get to them to help, they aren't the most agreeable but could be worth it. or I can try to just walk in? It's not like I'm a part of this...School of yours?" She suggested with a shrug. The dragonette glanced down to the book in her arms for a moment before holding it close to her chest, letting the hope fill her of what she would be able to accomplish just by gathering the books all together, she could save her species for she knew that even with the help of the humans, they were soon to all dye out completely. Dragons were never ones to accept help from outsiders anyway being such a proud race of creatures.