[center][img]http://s13.postimg.org/sx4m587g7/Logan_Banner.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Logan O'Lynch][list][*]Name: Eoghan "Logan" O'Lynch[/*] [*]Gender: Male[/*] [*]Date of Birth: June 9th, 1996[/*] [*]Blood Status: [url=http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Half-Breed]Half-Breed[/url], [url=http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Squib]Squib[/url]-[url=http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Leprechaun]Leprechaun[/url][/*] [*]Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff[/*][/list] Appearance and Personality: [img]http://i2.irishmirror.ie/incoming/article1774439.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/robert-sheehan-1774439.jpg[/img] [list] [*]Appearance: Standing at a diminutive four foot eleven, Eoghan has ofttimes been mistaken for a child at first glance due to the oversized clothes and distinct lack of presence, though no one repeats the mistake after seeing his bearded face and rather athletic frame. Truly, Logan's years of Quidditch and Dueling have left him with a sleek physique that often causes second glances from those not aware of his Half-Breed nature. Eoghan's eyes have been remarked as troublesome, the veil of green doesn't laugh when his mouth does, and gives most a distinct feeling he's up to something. Most of Logan's fashion consists of oversized robes and hats. This extends to his "Muggle" Attire where it is more commonplace to wear baggy hoodies and loose fit jeans with extraordinarily plain, hand-made sneakers.[/*] [*]Personality: Those who've had the pleasure to call Eoghan their classmate or Hufflepuff housemate usually have a lot to say about the Half -Leprechaun, whether it be his apparent ability to shake off any form of insult to the cheeky grin that signals something is amiss. In actuality, Logan is at heart sensitive about his Half-Breed status and parental situation, having deep-seated issues of abandonment. Although he has done a masterful job of masking his emotions behind quick wit and sarcasm. To combat this, Logan has turned his sensitivity into determination, shattering his peers' expectations by becoming Hufflepuff's Starting Seeker in only his third year. Fiercely loyal to those who show him genuine affection and coldly distant to those he feels have insulted him, Logan can be quite the useful little man to have at one's side.[/*][/list] [b][u]Strengths:[/b][/u] [list] [*]Witty[/*] [*]Loyal[/*] [*]Diligent[/*][/list] [b][u]Weaknesses:[/b][/u] [list] [*]Sarcastic[/*] [*]Devious[/*] [*]Sensitive[/*][/list] [b][u]Goals:[/u][/b] [list] [*]Come to terms with separation of friends.[/*] [*]Choose between Kenmare Kestrels and Ballycastle Bats.[/*] [*]Convince group to make Taggart the Team Mascot[/*][/list] History: Born out of what many would consider rape, Eoghan O'Lynch might never have known of his Leprechaun nature were it not for his Pure-Blooded Grandparents., who scoured the forests of Ireland before locating one Aidan O'Lynch. Eoghan was essentially raised as a Leprechaun would be, learning magics of the forest and how to scam wizards and muggles alike, rarely, if ever, making trips into the more civilized portions of Wizarding Culture. His parents frequently bickered with each other, Aidan wanting to take Eoghan and raise him in the Faerie Kingdom, and his mother demanding he get an education from Hogwarts and become a regular member of society. Eventually, his letter came, and his father subsequently left, feeling his obligation to raise the boy over, though he did give his son a parting gift, a Kneazle Kitten. Upon arrival at the castle, Eoghan, who'd by that time just told others to call him Logan, was a near [url=http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Hatstall]Hatstall[/url], while the sorting hat had debated with itself between Gryffindor and Slytherin, the Half-Breed child pleaded to be put in Hufflepuff, fearing ostracization if placed in the other two houses. The Hat obliged, and thus began Logan's Hogwarts career. Logan eventually found a home in the Hufflepuff Basement, and earned quite a few galleons for himself by running scams amongst the student populace, using Taggart as a sort of "lie detector" to validate his schemes to unsuspecting peers. While he was still ridiculed for his Half-breed status by the more venomous of Hogwarts' population, Logan always kept a smile on his face, and, partially as a joke at the time, took up Quidditch in his second year and dueling in his third to break certain stereotypes the more prejudiced of his classmates had set up for him. The boy proved a prodigious Seeker, and eventually joined the Hufflepuff House Team in his Third Year, devoting the majority of his time to the sport after finding a liking to it. His devotion paid off, as he was named Quidditch Captain in only his Fifth Year, leading his house to back-to-back [url=http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Quidditch_Cup]House Cups[/url] in his Sixth and Seventh Year, garnering attention from several Irish Professional Quidditch teams in the process. He decided to keep the Golden Snitch from his final match as a personal memento, with permission from the Hogwarts gamekeeper, of course. Though he proved to excel at the more physical of Hogwarts' curriculum (take that, societal expectations!), Logan received only slightly above average grades in the more trivial of classes such as Muggle Studies and Transfiguration. Now facing another separation, this time due to graduation, Logan has informed the teams of his decision to undergo the traditional voyage around the world for one last hurrah with his friends, though admittedly the decision between whether to join the Kenmare Kestrels or Ballycastle Bats will more than likely be on his mind along the way. [list] [*]Patronus: [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dd/Golden_Retriever_Hund_Dog.JPG]Golden Retriever[/url][/*] [*]Natural Ability: Remarkably agile and acrobatic due to his low center of gravity.[/*] [*]Learned Ability: Creation of Leprechaun Gold[/*][/list] [list] [*]Name: Taggart[/*] [*]Gender: Male[/*] [*]Species: [url=http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Kneazle]Kneazle[/url][/*] [*][url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Wq0Oj4vKOoY/TLpdx3tTK5I/AAAAAAAACJM/r6jibxkuMKY/s1600/leopard.jpg]Appearance[/url]: Unlike most breeds of Kneazle, who only slightly resemble Lions, Tigers, and the like, Taggart is almost an exact miniature replica of a Snow Leopard. Taggart was named such due to the rather ragged and disheveled tufts of his fur, and peculiar ability to get said fur on almost ever substance with which he comes in contact with, to the dismay of Hufflepuff students everywhere during Logan's time at Hogwarts. The most curious of Taggart's body parts would be his abnormally long whiskers, as long as a person's hand and almost always drooping downward, Logan eventually retrieved one of these whiskers for use in his Wand after the original Phoenix Feather core eviscerated.[/*] [*]History:[/*] Given to Logan upon his acceptance to Hogwarts, Taggart could be considered the forefront of the nature versus nurture debate. While Kneazles are generally hostile to untrustworthy wizards and witches, Taggart is utterly devoted to his Half-Leprechaun owner, who without a doubt has done some pretty dishonest things during his years at Hogwarts. Taggart almost seems to emulate the emotions of his owner, either hissing and generally being aggressive when Logan is offended, to falling asleep on top of Logan's head when the duo is bored. Taggart grew a reputation of his own on the grounds of Hogwarts for lurking anywhere and everywhere around the Castle during Logan's Quidditch Games or class periods, though with the latter the Kneazle often had to be shooed away from the classroom's door by a passing prefect or professor. [/list] Credentials: [list] [*]Quidditch Team (3, Seeker)[/*] [*]Care of Magical Creatures (2)[/*] [*]Charms (2)[/*] [*]Apparition (2)[/*] [*]Dueling (2)[/*] [*]Defence Against the Dark Arts (2)[/*] [*]History of Magic (1)[/*] [*]Study of Ancient Runes (1)[/*] [*]Herbology (1)[/*] [*]Potions (1)[/*] [*]Transfiguration (1)[/*] [*]Muggle Studies (1)[/*] [*]Acrobatics (1)[/*][/list] Wand: 12", English Oak, Kneazle Whisker, Springy. Inventory: [list] [*][URL=http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Firebolt]Firebolt Broomstick[/url][/*] [*][URL=http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Quidditch_uniform]Hufflepuff Quidditch Jersey[/URL][/*] [*][URL=http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Golden_Snitch]Golden Snitch[/URL][/*] [*][URL=http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Leprechaun_gold]Leprechaun Gold[/URL][/*] [*][URL=http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Apparition#Licence_to_Apparate]Apparition License[/URL][/*] [*][url=http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Fleetwood%27s_High-Finish_Handle_Polish]Fleetwood's High-Finish Handle Polish[/url][/*] [*]License to own a Kneazle[/*][/list][/hider]