Fitch raised an eyebrow as Kenshin's voice approached them and he began to ramble. He covered his mouth as he smiled and Yari just nudged him and gave him a stern look, turning to Kenshin. "It's okay, Kenshii," She said, having quickly adopted the petname for him, mostly to tease him. "Fitch and Suto did the same thing without telling the rest of us... We know you like to push yourself, just be careful," She commanded sternly, resisting the urge to smile. The girl huffed, thinking, before Fitch stepped into the conversation. "Orcskin is a basic material for the very earliest of gloves... You probably remember we got some on the second floor, near the middle of the floor, but it was a bit rarer back then. I'm positive that that's just a basic tier, though, because there are orcs on slightly higher floors that drop things like 'orchide' - which is just a little bit better, to be honest, but it is different - and orcscales, which one might think are scales off of the orc, but they're pieces of scale armour made out of this... orc metal stuff... It's a pretty good metal - it makes some of the weapons and armour with a really high durability; however, it's not very keen on strength. It's heavy and... Yeah, I'm rambling, sorry. The scrapmetal only for selling, as far as the beta testers found... and plain stone is a cheap thrown weapon. Pretty good idea to hold onto - they stack and you can use them to get the aggro on a mob by dealing the first hit if you just throw them. They're a basic, though pretty heavy, thrown weapon. Really weak, but more of a tool than damage-dealer," he explained without much hesitation. Yari looked at him, perplexed, it was like he was a walking database of items on these early floors. He knew more about the items than the descriptions might provide and he didn't even have to rack his brain. She merely laughed and shook her head, "Guess that's that, then huh? Keep your money, Kenshin. These two are going to - we all make our fair share. We don't need to do the math to split it all, if anybody needs something, then we'll figure out funding," The girl chirped, She then turned to see the tower in the distance, a small flicker of adventure alight on her face. To others, it was daunting and part of the trap of the game, but she couldn't help that sense of curiosity. With that thought, she stood up, clapped her hands together and nodded, "Alright, let's gear up and go, okay, guys? I know you three just got back, but we already agreed to go out today, all together, so come on, you're not getting any more of a break. You'll be fine until tonight, anyway," She said firmly, placing a hand on her hip and opening her window. Different parts of her body flashed as light metal equipment began to appear over her topped by a basic double-ended spear of a brilliant silvery steel followed finally by a similar tiara with a bright blue gem in the middle. She didn't like how flashy it was, but it gave her a small DEX boost and she didn't want to give that up until something better came. "The field boss is bound to be attacked tomorrow, I'm pretty sure the meeting is tonight, if you guys are interested. Apart from that, we've got the jungle for the rest of the day with whatever hunting parties are out, so where do you guys want to start?"