Stolen glances at her figure did not go unnoticed by the woman, and she smiled inwardly at that.[i] It’s always so easy. Even you, with your calm, business-minded front, can’t fully resist, can you? The temptations brought forth by a beautiful woman ignite such a carnal flame. But be careful boy, it always starts with quick glances.[/i] Her internal dialogue was brought to an end when Aleks admitted that he was not so particularly important and hinted, yet again, that he might just know what she was. He had her full attention now, her head tilted inquisitively as he described the people he worked for. The thought of someone trying to control her, someone telling her what to do, was comical in its unlikelihood and revolting in concept. The fox spirit was not sure how to react to such a statement, so she decided to change the subject. “I appreciate you being so generous as to place my well being before your own life, but I believe we've already established that your life will not end by my hand. We’re here to business, so why don’t we just get to that?” She pushed her drying hair back over her shoulder and smirked, “Unless you intended to charm me some more? I don’t mind being wined and dined, you know.” Lilith winked to let him know that was a joke and then turned to find a place to get more comfortable. It was then that she finally took in the details of his apartment, and her eyes widened slightly at what she saw. It was clean, sleek, and very modern. She had chosen a worthy target indeed. Sauntering slowly to the couch she called over her shoulder, “I hope you don’t mind if I take a seat? I've been walking in these heels all night.” She laughed lightly, the sound far more delicate and sweet than the voice she spoke in. She was certain with his manners that he wouldn't say no, so she folded the towel and laid it on the couch before sitting down. Crossing her legs just so, Lilith offered up a tantalizing view of her legs, the slender limbs now completely exposed for Aleks to see. “Now then, what is it that you wanted from me?” She looked at him with her golden eyes, a faint smile on her lips.