Two-Thirds looked up from his neat rows of tea ingredients upon being called to attention by the queen. Immediately, his lips is spreading into another pleasant smile and voice finding a polite refusal for her kindness. All was abruptly stopped when his eyes fall on the small crease of annoyance between her brows. The smile took a little effort to maintain, and his voice found something else entirely, "Thank you for your kindness," The nobody thanked the queen. Despite his words, Two-Thirds finished the blend in his hands with two dried gummy flowers and handed the tea pot to Skitz and took a seat across from Leila and Harper. He nodded a greeting towards the humans and helped himself to a piece of shortcake. Barely halfway through his cake, Two-Thirds looked up to find another human joining the party. She looked more than willing to finish the platter of short cakes, including Two-Third's half a cake. However, it quickly revealed that her actual target was the brownies. "Good day," He greeted. The nobody continued to make his way through the rest of his cake in a leisurely pace, now that his cake is not in immediate danger. After he was finished with the cake, Two-Thirds helped himself a crepe that he overheard Harper recommended while keeping attention on the Queen's words. [i]"Do any of you have questions? If you do, now is the time to ask."[/i] Queen is offering humans an opportunity for questions. Of course, Two-Thirds has no place in this particular conversation, so he fed himself a piece of neatly cut crepe. [i] "Our guides knew those criminals. Who are they?" [/i] That was when the nobody almost choked on the piece of food. He took a prompt sip of tea. Why yes, maybe some berries in this would be great.