"Step up young boys! Step up young girls! For this one and mystical Carnvial is opening its gates to greet you! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, don't be afraid for we won't bite...YET!!!" Hag spoke to whole audience who stood in front of him. He was standing in a stage with the whole staff of the circus behind him, with the exception of Mortimer who was next to him, observing everyone. "Now now now little humans....let me introduce you to our magnificent staff who will greet you with outstanding performances! They won't bore you at all! You'll be left breathless!!! And last, but not least, we have our excellent guardian, the keeper of these grounds, Mortimer Scharff." Mortimer bowed forward while Shadow, his crow, watched and stared into the crow with an infuriating look in his eyes. He hated most humans, but not his friend Mortimer. "Well, I guess the last thing I have to inform you is that the shows will start in two hours, so you can first have a run around the Carnival, buy some food to eat, play some games wiht our gips-errr friendly workers and probably win a prize or two. So...I declare this carnival open for this city!" With those last words, the curtains closed and Hag and Mortimer faced everyone who was behind them, which was practically the whole staff. "So...people...as you know, people here in Denmark haven't seen a carnival in ages...so you'll have some fun...I CAN GUARANTEE IT! But first of all, I don't want to see...I don't want to HEAR screams coming out of the tents, you hear that? I don't want the other people to be startled and run away. No soul shall be wasted...and all who enters this places...will enjoy the shows. Now, better go back to get ready. I have some errands to take care of." With those last words, Hag disappeared in an cloud of smoke. Mortimer loooked at them and Shadow spoke. "You heard Hag! Get ready for the shows. They start in two hours!" the crow spoke. Both disappeared into the Shadows, leaving the staff alone. That had been merely the beginning of a journey.