Pouting in mock hurt, the woman sighed, “And just like that, I’m branded an outsider. I thought my Russian was pretty good, too. Oh well…” She leaned back and closed her eyes before continuing, “I’m just passing through. There isn't much more to it than that.” Her eyes opened to look at the ceiling as she continued, “I never really stay in one place for too long, things tend to get… complicated.” Smiling at that severe understatement, Lilith finally raised her head to look at Aleks once more. She stared at him for a moment, wondering what to ask for. It wasn't as if she had ever planned on [i]asking[/i] him for anything. She supposed money would work, but money she could get on her own. “You know, it’s a bit awkward… You see, I don’t really know what to ask for. I don’t think you can give me what I really want.” She laughed and somewhat whimsically added on, “Unless you happen to have a lot of fresh human hearts lying around.” It was probably unwise to be so straightforward in her request, but Lilith was getting tired and she wanted to take off her still wet dress. Besides, she figured this negotiation wouldn't go anywhere if she beat around the bush. This man played enough mind and word games as it was, she didn't need to add to the trouble.