Kenichi had looked back quickly enough to see the knowing look on Beast's face before the transformation. Had he not, he would have immediately drawn his sword. The fact that the hulking creature that now stood before him made no hostile movement was also cause to stay his hand. He glanced around the tavern for a moment. There were a few patrons who were surprised, but none seemed truly terrified. This was clearly not the first time this had happened here. Still keeping an eye on Beast, he glanced back to address Snow once more. "You are correct. This is much more convincing," He replied, slowly easing back on his seat. "So not only do you hunt monsters, you employ the more agreeable of them. I am reminded of the Oni, back in Japan. According to folklore, which it seems may in fact be true, demons in Japan are not necessarily evil, though they rarely make considerations for humans unless it is in their personal interests." Again, he nodded deeply, this time to Beast as he returned to his business, throwing in a quick "Arigato- gozaimasu" before turning back to the bar. "What would you have me do?" He asked.