Koschei took it upon himself to steer the TARDIS as they made their way to Barcelona. His ears picking up on the other Time Lord’s words “Oh yes, I remember being in such a foul mood half the time, finding ways to poke at you to get you angry and upset. Yet… you always seem to brush those off and show me kindness which at the time I do admit now was rather … sickening to me.” a smile formed upon the man’s lips as he chuckled at the thought “Always taking my anger and giving me kindness in return. Truly a magnificent feat if you ask me, Doctor” Those crisp blue hues glanced over as he looked to the man “I remember that… you stood there.. Trying to stand for some type of justice and ended up getting poisoned. Didn’t even attack them. Just tried to win your battle with words. I saw that as foolish back then but.. Now?” he turned his gaze from him and focused on the screen of the TARDIS “I understand completely. You’re a man of honor, a man who refuses to kill. I have to admit.. Rose made you a better person.” he finally set the TARDIS into auto-pilot and went to join the Doctor. Reaching down he took a hold of the other man’s hand and laced their fingers together, looking to him with a smirk “And you in turn, made me into a better man” with his free hand he cupped the Doctor’s face “Because of you in this regeneration, the drums are gone. I’m finally able to see life in a whole new perspective” he gazed into the Doctor’s green eyes “My Dear Doctor. Back then I was battling with myself. The more I tried to care and help you. The more the drums sounded within the crevices of my mind but now? I can tell you how I feel. I can care for you” his voice a whisper. “But most of all, I can show you without consequence, how much I truly love you” without another word, Koschei closed the gap between them, his lips pressing to the Doctor’s in a tender kiss. The kiss was held for several moments, but it was short lived as a clear of a throat came from behind. The sound of footsteps descending down the stairs was near causing Koschei to pull from the Doctor’s lips. Turning he saw Clara, she’d seen and heard everything. “So it is true, and here I was hoping it was just a dream” she gave a small smile. Koschei pulled from the Doctor and made his way over to Clara who stood before him “I hope you’re alright, Clara” The brown eyed human looked up to him a soft smile touching her lips “You love the Doctor, I am looking at this with quite the open mind and I understand that… you two have always been in love but haven’t accepted it until now” she moved close and hugged Koschei who at first was taken aback but returned her embrace. “I’m quite happy for you both. Now… he’ll never be alone. He’ll have you” she smiled up to him, letting him go. Her eyes moving to the Doctor finally “and I think that’s fantastic”